Alina Lapushkina’s fieldwork in Ghana, December 2012 - January 2013
On the 1st of December 2012 the second expedition to Avatime people of Ghana commenced. The research fellow of the Centre of Information and International Relations Alina Lapushkina took part in 2 projects organized by missionaries living in Ghana. The first project was dedicated to the Ghanaian children. The bright presentations with the humanitarian aid distribution for children were held in every Avatime school.
The second part of the expedition was devoted to the project «Avatime History».The aim of this work was to fix and record the historical oral tradition of Avatime in general and of each village in particular. Further results of the research will be translated into the local language and published. Avatime are one of the indigenous small numbered peoples of Ghana. The main area of their residence is 8 villages in the south-east of the country (the Volta region).