Centre for Transition Economy Studies
Head of the Centre MOROZENSKAYA, Evgenia V., PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher, Member of the Scientific Council of the RAS for the Africa’s Problems, Expert of the RAS. https://www.elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=72566
• Market development, the role of the informal sector. • The problems of economic integration in Africa.
E-mail: evmorozen@mail.ru
Tel.: (495) 691-00-61 |
The main fields of the Centre 's Studies:
•Strategies and models of socio-economic development of African countries.
• African economies’ modernization in the context of technological revolution. Scientific and technological potential of Africa.
• African economic integration.
• The role of the state in the African economies. Public-private partnership in Africa.
• Sectoral structure of African economies: agriculture, manufacturing industry, services.
• Development of the economic infrastructure in Africa: electric power, transport, ICT.
• Labour resources. Problems of the employment and professional education.
• The role of informal sector in African economy. The traditional and modern forms of production. The ratio of traditional and modern forms of management.
The Centre's Research Fellows:
- DEGTEREV Denis Andreevich, Senior Researcher
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 237630
Researcher ID: D-9134-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 57194638393
ORCID: 0000-0001-7426-1383
- • quantitative methods of analysis (game theoretical approach, econometrics, computer modeling) of international processes (world economy, international relations, international law)
• Problems of international development assistance
- SAPUNTSOV ANDREY LEONIDOVICH Leading Researcher - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 429729
- • TNCs and African countries
- GAVRILOVA, Nina G., Junior Researcher
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 942599
- • Agricultural production in African countries.
• African foreign trade in agricultural products.
• Digital technologies in agriculture in Africa.
- KALINICHENKO, Liudmila N., Senior Researcher
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 625999
- • Manufacturing industry in Sub-Saharan Africa's countries.
• Problems of the fuel and energy complex and infrastructure development..
- MATVEEVA, Natalia F., Researcher
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 751157
- • Agriculture in Tropical Africa.
• Socio-economic development of Kenya. .
- MATSENKO, Irina B., PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 626021
- • Human capital and labour market formation in African countries.
• Problems of poverty eradication in Africa. .
- NOVIKOVA, Zinaida S., PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 751154
- • Information and communication technologies development in Africa.
• Transport infrastructure in African countries. .
Main publications:
Collective monographs:
- African Economy in the Age of Global Technological Revolution (ed. Morozenskaya, E.V.). M: Institute for African Studies of the RAS. 2019.
- Africa: Modern Strategies of Economic Development (eds. Abramova, I.O.; Morozenskaya, E.V.). M: Institute for African Studies of the RAS. 2016.
- Ways of African Economies’ Modernization (ed. Morozenskaya, E.V.). M: Institute for African Studies of the RAS. 2014.
- Economic Infrastructure of African Countries (ed. Morozenskaya, E.V.). M: Institute for African Studies of the RAS. 2012.
Individual monographs:
- Morozenskaya, E.V. State Regulation of Economy in Africa (ed. Morozov, V.P.). M.: Institute for African Studies of the RAS. 2018 - 246 p.
- Pavlov V.V. African Investment Codes: Analysis Methodology and Practical Application (ed. Sapuntsov, A.L.). M.: Institute for African Studies of the RAS. 2017 – 348 p.
- Matsenko, I.B., Matsenko, S.A. Banking Sector of African Countries: Problems and Development Prospects. M.: Institute for African Studies of the RAS. 2016 – 190 p.
Papers in journals RSCI, Scopus, Web of Sciences:
- Kalinichenko, L.N., Novikova, Z.S. Stake on High Technologies of the XXI Century // Innovative Science, Ufa, 2016, № 5. Ч.1. P. 144-150. (In Russ.)
- Matveeva, N.F. The Role of Transport in Kenya’s Socioeconomic Development // Journal of the Institute for African studies. M., 2016. № 2-3. P. 73-79. (In Russ.)
- Matsenko, I.B. Regional Banks in Africa: Opportunities and Prospects // Asia and Africa today. М., 2016, № 9. P. 43-48. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya, E.V. TAZARA Role in East African Economic Integration // Journal of the Institute for African studies. М., 2016. № 2-3. P. 38-44. (In Russ.)
- Kalinichenko, L.N., Novikova, Z.S. Africa on the Way to Innovation Technology Development // Asia and Africa today. М., 2017, № 9. P. 48–55. (In Russ.)
- Kalinichenko, L.N. The perspectives of Russian business involvement in Africa’s energy projects // Journal of the Institute for African studies. М., 2017. № 1 (38). P. 45–62. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya, E.V. Path to Sustainable Development in Africa // Asia and Africa today. М., 2017, № 4. P. 43–46. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya, E.V. Foreign economic policy of African states in 2010s: the potential of Russia–Africa trade relations // Journal of the Institute for African studies. М., 2017. № 1 (38). P. 37–44. (In Russ.)
- Novikova, Z.S. Russian telecommunication companies in Africa // Journal of the Institute for African studies. М., 2017. № 1 (38). P. 56–63. (In Russ.)
- Kalinichenko, L.N., Matveeva N.F. Digital Technologies in Transport Logistics of African Countries // Bulletin of the Academy (MosAP under the Moscow government) М. 2018, № 2. P. 91–96 (In Russ.)
- Matsenko, I.B. From MDGs to SDGs: Eradicating Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa // Asia and Africa today. M., 2018, № 2. P. 52–58. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya, E.V. Sustainable Development Goals (2016–2030): Chance for Africa // Asia and Africa today. M., 2018, № 11. P. 58-61. (In Russ.)
- Novikova Z.S. Mobile Technologies in East African Countries - New Opportunities for Economic Growth // Journal of the Institute for African studies. M., 2018, No. 2 (43). P. 111-125. (In Russ.)
- Gavrilova N.G. Development of Agricultural Exports as a Strategy for Diversifying the Economy of Nigeria: Problems and Prospects // Innovations and Investments. M., 2019. № 6. P. 57–63. (In Russ.)
- Kalinichenko L.N., Novikova Z.S. Nigeria: Course for Innovation // Asia and Africa today. M., 2019, № 11. P. 29–35. (In Russ.)
- Matsenko, I.B Labour Potential in Africa: State and Development Prospects // Journal of the Institute for African studies. M, 2019, № 3 (48). P. 18–29. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya E.V. ‘New Regionalism’ in Africa: Form of the Adaptation to Globalization or the Attempt of Opposition to Modern Neocolonialism?
- // Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. 2021; 14(2). М., 2019. Vol. 12. No 4. P. 209–227. (In Russ.)
- Pashkova E.V., Morozenskaya E.V., Tambo T.R.H., Kalinichenko L.N. Possibilities of Solving the Social Problems in Africa by means of Public-Private Partnership // RUDN Journal of Sociology. M.: 2019. Vol. 19, No. 2. P. 244–260. (In Russ.)
- Gavrilova N.G. 60 Years of Independent Development: State of Agriculture in Africa // International agricultural journal. М., 2020. №5. P. 149–173. (In Russ.)
- Gavrilova N.G. Improving food security in Nigeria through livestock innovation // International Scientific and Practical Conference “From Inertia to Develop: Research and Innovation Support to Agriculture” (IDSISA 2020). 2020. V. 176.
- Kalinichenko, L.N., Novikova, Z.S. Mauritius: Africa’s Business and Financial Centre // Asia and Africa today. М., 2020, № 4. P. 60–66. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya, E.V. Post-Colonial Experience of African States in Choosing Economic Policies and Economic Legislation Formation // Russian Law Online. 2020. №1. P. 37-41. (In Russ.)
- Gavrilova N.G. Social and economic aspects of migration of mobile herders in Africa // International agricultural journal. 2021. Vol. 64, №1. P. 301-313. (In Russ.)
- Kalinichenko L.N., Morozenskaya E.V. Clusters in Africa's Economy as a Perspective Model of Production // Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. 2021; 14(2):164-175. (In Russ.)
- Matveeva, N.F. Aquaculture in Kenya: Present State and Development Trends // Journal of the Institute for African studies. 2021. № 1(54). P. 108-120. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya E.V. Perspectives of scientific-technological potential in Africa // Asia and Africa today. 2021. № 5. P. 66-70. (In Russ.)
- Morozenskaya E.V., Kalinichenko L.N., Matsenko I.B. Labour migration in Africa: management capacity for sustainable development (II International Conference on Economic and Social Trends for Sustainability of Modern Society) // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 2021, volume 116. P. 2837-2844.
- Kalinichenko, L.N., Novikova, Z.S. High Technologies in Central Africa’s Countries: Distant Future or a New Reality? // Asia and Africa today. 2021. № 7. P. 21-28. (In Russ.)