Group of Gender Studies

Co-heads: Natalia Krylova, D.Sc.(Hist.) and Natalia Ksenofontova, Ph.D.(Hist.)
Тел. (495) 691-45-43

The Group was established in 1991 in the framework of the IAS Centres' cooperation.

The following IAS researchers take part in the Group: Y.B. Demintseva, N,Z. Fahruidinova, N.V. Grishina, A.A. Kazankov, D.A. Khalturina, N.B. Kochakova, N.L. Kryiova, N.A. Ksenofontova, N.F. Matveeva, S.V. Prozhogina, I.G. Rybalkina, L.M. Sadovskaya. The Group collaborates with the similar scientific centres of Russia, Africa, Europe and the USA.

The Group publishes its works in a series Gender Studies of the Institute for African Studies of RAS. 10 volumes have been published by 2010.

The following IAS researchers take part in the Group: N.V. Grishina, N.L. Kryiova, N.A. Ksenofontova, N.F. Matveeva, L.J. Prokopenko, I.G. Rybalkina, L.M. Sadovskaya, N.Z. Fahruidinova. The Group collaborates with the similar scientific centres of Russia, Africa, Europe and the USA.

The main fields of the Group's studies

1. Gender aspect of social development of African communities
2. Gender conflict as a factor of socio-cultural and political changes
3. Women and men in the economic sphere
4. Gender aspects of politics, gender and power
5. Feminist movements and changes in gender awareness
6. Legal aspects of gender politics in Russia and African countries
7. Family and children
8. Russian women in Africa
9. Mixed marriages
10. Metisis destinies in Russia and Africa
11. Women migrations along the East-West, West-East lines
12. Gender aspects of globalization processes
13. Theoretical aspects of gender relations