Centre for Sociological and Political Sciences Studies

Head of the Centre

    Sergey V. KOSTELYANETS, Ph.D. (Political Science)
    SPIN РИНЦ: 2391-3452
    ORCID: 0000-0002-9983-9994
    ResearcherID: E-1646-2018
    Scopus AuthorID: 57194130217

      •Armed conflicts and terrorism in Africa
      •African countries in the system of international relations
      •Socio-economic and political problems of the development of Sudan, etc.

    Тел. (495) 691-45-43
    E-mail: sergey.kostelyanyets@gmail.com

    Key research areas:
    • Transformation of social structures and political systems in African countries; the role and place of trade unions and nongovernmental organisations in African countries.
    • Civil society: conditions and prerequisites for its formation, political culture of power, democracy and traditions in social development.
    • The human factor of socioeconomic development in Africa: problems of education and medical care, Africa's implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the fight against poverty and hunger, transboundary cooperation.
    • Society and nature: interaction within the framework of the concept of sustainable development, environmental issues in the light of the implementation of decisions of international forums on sustainable development (RIO-1992, Johannesburg-2002, RIO+20-2012, etc.).
    • Gender studies: the place of African women in socioeconomic development of African countries, female labour, maternity protection, marriage and family, Russian women in Africa.
    • Economic and sociopolitical modernisation: power, bureaucracy, parties, political leadership and the role of external factors; the social portrait of African business; dialectics of the interaction of economics and politics in the social development of African countries.
    • Africa security: armed conflicts, territorial disputes, terrorist threat, conflict regulation and peacekeeping; the role of regional and global organisations and particular countries with regard to the security of the continent.

    External cooperation:
    The Center cooperates with the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Lomonosov Moscow State University, RUDN University, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, University of the Free State (South Africa), University of Haifa (Israel), etc.

    The Centre's Youtube Channel

    Research fellows:

      Nailya FAKHRUTDINOVA, Research Fellow
        • The role of Islam in the socio-political life of Africa (on the example of Arab countries, Senegal, Ghana)
        • Genesis of conflicts in North African countries
        • Gender studies (Muslim women against violence, Muslim women’s organizations, the ideological basis of youth movements in Arab countries of Africa)

      Marina IVANOVA, Senior Assistant

    Selected works of research fellows:

    Collective works:
    1. «Women's organizations as a form of political and socio-cultural self-expression (the African experience)». Series "Gender studies". Vol. 20. Krylova N. L., Ksenofontova N. A. (eds.) M.: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017. 371 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-201-9
    2. «Africa: Social and Political Conditions for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)». Ksenofontova N. A. (ed.). M.: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018. 270 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-226-2.
    3. «Youth in the political and socio-cultural life of Africa». Series "Gender studies". Vol. 22. Krylova N. L., Ksenofontova N. A., Grishina N. V. (eds.) M.: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. 426 p.
    4. «African traditions and modernity: problems of history, culture and Gender». Collective monograph. V. V. Gribanova, N. L. Krylova (eds.) M: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020. 308 p. ISBN. 978-5-91298-248-4.
    5. «Tourism in Africa: problems and prospects». Grishina N. V., Kostelyanets S.V. (eds). M: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020. 302 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-252-1.
    6. «Terrorism in Africa: New Trends and Frontiers». Glen Segell, Sergey Kostelyanets, Hussein Solomon (eds.). Moscow: Institute for African Studies; Haifa: University of Haifa. 2021. 194 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-268-2 / 979-8-48152-268-5.


    1. «Darfur: a History of the Conflict». M: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. 388 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-146-3.
    2. Resolution of Military-Political Conflicts in Africa: The Role of Regional Organizations / S. V. Kostelyanets, A. A. Tkachenko (eds). M: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017. 146 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-184-5
    3. «Threats to Africa's Security: Current Trends». Moscow State Linguistic University, 2018. (co-author)

    Journal papers
    1. Kostelyanets S.V. (2017). Terrorism in Northeast and East Africa. Journal of the Institute for African Studies, (2), 118-125.
    2. Kostelyanets S.V. (2017). Shaping the state in Africa: the role of the military in nation-building. Asia and Africa Today, (6), 78-79.
    3. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2018). Uganda: From The Holy Spirit Movement to the Lord's Resistance Army: Remarks On Christian Terrorism in Africa. Vostok/Oriens, (3), 94-104.
    4. Denisova, T. S., & Kostelyanets, S. V. (2018). Review of ‘Searching for Boko Haram. A history of violence in central Africa’ by Scott MacEachern. Social Evolution and History, 17(1), 202-208.
    5. Kostelyanets, S. V., & Okeke, O. A. A. (2018). Russia and the global competition for Africa: the military dimension. Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost, (6), 184-198.
    6. Denisova, T. S., & Kostelyanets, S. V. (2019). The Central African Republic: Conflict Dynamics. Asia and Africa Today, (6), 24-31.
    7. Denisova, T., & Kostelyanets, S. (2019). Conflict in the Central African Republic: The War Economy. Pathways to Peace and Security, (1), 9–21.
    8. Kostelyanets, S. V. (2019). Russia-Sudan Relations in the Early 21st Century: A lost opportunity or the foundation for a new beginning? Asia and Africa Today, (9), 56-62.
    9. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2019). The European Union, China and Africa: Trilateral Security Cooperation. Vostok/Oriens, (5), 114-125.
    10. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2020). The European Union, China and Africa: cooperation in the field of international development assistance (Problems and Perspectives). Asia and Africa Today, (1), 17-24.
    11. Kostelyanets, S. V. (2019). Russia’s Peace Initiatives in the MENA Region: Evaluation and Prospects. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 13(4), 534-555.
    12. Kostelyanets, S. V., & Rybalkina, I. G. (2020). Ethiopia: The Peculiarities of Federalism by Roza Ismagilova. Metodo, 33(36), 61-65.
    13. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2020). Guinea-Bissau: Political Leadership and Electoral Processes. Asia and Africa Today, (4), 34-41.
    14. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2020) Warlords to Politicians: The Transformation of Rebel Leaders in Africa (on the Example of Sierra Leone). Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law, vol. 13, no 3, pp. 214–231.
    15. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2020). COVID-19 in Nigeria: Challenges and Forecasts. Asia and Africa Today, (8), 26-30.
    16. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2020). West Africa: The Evolution of Traditional Institutions of Power. Voprosy Istorii. 12(1). 110-124.
    17. Kostelyanets S. V. Book review: Karbo, T. & Virk, K.(Eds.).(2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Peacebuilding in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, 498 p // Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. – 2020. – Т. 20. – №. 4. – С. 829-831.
    18. Kostelyanets, S. V. (2020). Russia's Peace Mediation in Africa: an Assessment. Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost, (6), 96-106.
    19. Kostelyanets, S. V. (2021). African migrations and diasporas: a view through space and time. Asia and Africa Today, (1), 56-59.
    20. Denisova T.S., Kostelyanets S.V. (2021) Separatism in South Cameroon: Sources and Prospects. Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 194–213.
    21. Kostelyanets, S. V. (2021). The Rise and Fall of Political Islam in Sudan. Politics and Religion Journal, 15(1), 85-104.

    Natalia KRYLOVA

    1. Krylova Natalia. “Le centre Perevalnoe et la formation de militaires en Union Sovietique”. “Cahiers d`Etudes Africaines”. P. 2017. № LV11 (2) 226, pp. 399-417.
    2. Krylova N. L. "Organizations of compatriots in African countries. A reason for discussion" // "Scientific notes of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences". 2017,. No. 3 (40). pp. 43-53.
    3. Krylova N. L. "There are women in the Russian Bizerte (emigrants about emigrants)".// "Eastern Archive", Moscow, 2017. No. 2(36). pp. 77-88.
    4. Krylova N. L. "Women's associations in Africa as a form of political, economic and socio-cultural self-expression "// "Vostok", 2017. No. 3. pp. 210-217.
    5. Krylova N. L "Russian African Women" in the Twentieth Century. Family. The fate. Homeland. Series "Gender studies". Vol. 21. M.: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018. ISBN 978-5-91298-193-7 616 p.
    6. Krylova N. L. "The Afro-Russian family in the maelstrom of conflict. Confessions of a compatriot" / / "Asia Africa today". 2018. No. 7. pp. 64-68.
    7. Krylova N. L. "Russian-Ethiopian relations: History and modernity (on the 120th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Ethiopia) // «Vostok», 2018, No. 5. pp. 199-205. DOI: 10.31857/s086919080001863-6
    8. Krylova N. L. "Young Africans. Features of social practices and their role in the formation of the young generation" / / "Scientific Notes of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences" Moscow, 2018, No. 3 (40). pp. 84-100 (co-author) ISSN 2412-5717
    9. Krylova N. L. " Africa in the gender dimension (to the 30th anniversary of gender studies in Russian African studies) / / Woman in Russian society. Russian Scientific Journal. 2019. No. 2 (81). pp. 32-42. (co-author) Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University. Web of Science Platform
    10. Krylova N. L. "Put in a word about mestizo children (For the 20th anniversary of the Charitable Foundation "Metis")» // «Asia and Africa today». 2019. № 10. DOI: 10.31857/S032150750006525-9
    11. Krylova N. L. "The word about youth» // «Asia and Africa today». 2019. No. 7. DOI: 1031857/5032150750000557-0.
    12. Krylova N. L. "The Soviet wife of an African. (Portrait of the Cold War era) // "Scientific Notes of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences". Moscow, 2019. No. 4. DOI: 10.31132/2412-5717-2019-48-3 pp. 29-45.
    13. Krylova N. L. Russian Russian Squadron Women, N. L. Krylova / / The Fate of the Russian Squadron: ships and People, Moscow, 2020. 290 p. FROM 117-129. DOI 10.34 685/HI. 2020. 45.61.006. ISBN 978-5-86443-331-7
    14. Krylova N. L. "Each epoch has its own view" // «Asia and Africa today». 2020. № 2\ DOI: 10.31857/S032150750008477-6
    15. Krylova N. L. "We are not given to predict how our word will respond (pages of history)» // «Vestnik YarGU». The Humanities series. № 1. 2020. № 1. Р. 14-22. ISSN 1996-5648, ISSN 2658-3844; DOI: 10.31857/S032150750005571-0
    16. Krylova N. L. "Marriage and family in the East: a Russian view" // «Vestnik YarSU». The Humanities series. 2021, vol. 15, No. 1. pp. 20-36
    17. Krylova N. L. «Russian Russian Squadron Women (to the 100th anniversary of the Exodus of the Russian Black Sea Squadron to Bizerte, Tunisia)». // "Asia and Africa today". 2021, No. 1. pp. 67-73 DOI 10.31857/S032150750013626-0
    18. Krylova N. L. "About myself and the epoch: literary creativity of Russian women in Africa "/ / "Scientific notes of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences". 2021. No. 2. Р. 79-93


    1. Grishina N.V. Countries of Tropical Africa: problems of poverty. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, RAS. 2017. 192 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-191-3.
    2. Grishina N. V. The slave trade in Africa as part of international crime // Asia and Africa today. 2018. № 12. Р. 42–46. ISSN 0321-5075.
    3. Grishina N.V. (co-authored with Ksenofontova N.A.). Initiations as a factor and method of social and gender identification // Scientific notes of the Institute for African Studies, RAS. 2018. № 3. Р. 69–82. ISSN 2412–5717.
    4. Grishina N.V. (co-authored with Krylova N.L., Ksenofontova N.A., Prokopenko L.J.). Africa in the gender dimension (to the 30th anniversary of gender studies in Russian African studies) // Woman in Russian society. Russian Scientific Journal. 2019. № 2 (81). P. 32–42. ISSN 1992-2892. DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.3.
    5. Grishina N.V. Africa: some issues of agricultural development // Scientific notes of the Institute for African Studies, RAS. № 1 (50). 2020. Р. 25–37. ISSN 2412–5717. DOI: 10.31132/2412-5717-2020-50-1-25-37.
    6. Grishina N.V. 60 years of trade and economic relations of the USSR/Russia with Guinea and Mauritania // Scientific notes of the Institute for African Studies, RAS. № 1 (50). 2020. P. 25–37. ISSN 2412–5717. DOI: 10.31132/2412-5717-2020-53-4-33-42.
    7. Grishina N.V. (co-authored with Ksenofontova N.A.) Women of Asia and Africa in international political life. 2015–2019 // Asia and Africa today. № 5 (754). 2020. P. 54–57. ISSN 0321-5075. DOI 10.31857/S032150750009551-8.
    8. Grishina N.V. (co-authored with Gribanova V.V.) New trends in the study of Africa // Asia and Africa today. 2020. № 1. P. 46–49. ISSN 0321-5075. DOI: 10.31857/S032150750008165-3.
    9. Grishina N.V. (co-authored with Gribanova V.V.) The specifics of gender roles among the urban black population of South Africa: history and modernity / / Vostok (Oriens). 2021. № 2. P. 93–103. ISSN 0869-1908. DOI: 10.31857/S086919080014399-5
    10. Grishina N. V. Mauritania: the evolution of political structures // Scientific notes of the Institute for African Studies, RAS. № 3. Р. 56–65. ISSN 2412-5717. DOI: 10.31132/2412-5717-2021-56-3-56-65.


    1. Family and marriage relations in the countries of North Africa. The series "Gender Studies". No. 23. M.: IAfr RAS, 2019. - 190 p.

    Journal papers
    1. Gromova O., Rybalkina I. (2017). Traditional medicine in the African health system. Asia and Africa Today. 714(1), pp. 57-61.
    2. Africa. Nature reserves and climate // Asia and Africa Today. 716(3), 2017, pp. 44-48.
    3. Morozov V.P., Rybalkina I.G. Socio-political conditions for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa // Vostok. Afro-Asian societies: history and modernity. 2017. No. 6, pp. 162-169.
    4. Characteristics of family-marital relations in the North African countries (the case of Algeria) // Vostok. Oriens. 2018. No. 1, pp. 92-104.
    5. Family Relationships in African Middle Class Society. Asia and Africa Today. (12), pp.47-52.
    6. Krylova N.L., Rybalkina I.G. Young Africans. Peculiarities of Social Practices and their Role in the Formation of the Young Generation // Journal of the Institute for African Studies. RAS. Moscow. 2018, No. 3 (44), pp. 83-100.
    7. Family in Egypt: a constant dialogue with the past. East (Oriens). 2019. № 3, pp. 59-66.
    8. Kostelyanets S.V., Rybalkina I.G. Ethiopia: the Peculiarities of Federalism by Rosa Ismagilova // Metodo. 2020. Vol. 33. № 36, pp. 61-65.
    9. About the 2004 Family Code of the Kingdom of Morocco // Journal of the Institute for African Studies. RAS. Moscow. No. 4 (53). 2020, pp. 96-118.
    10. Social peculiarities of the family planning problem in Tropical Africa // Vostok (Oriens). 2021. № 4, pp. 161-172.


    1. Power and Opposition in African Society in the Late 19 th and Early 20 th Centuriers (on the example of Senegal and Сôte d’Ivoire). Moscow. Institute of African Studies, RAS. 2017. 152 p.

    Journal papers
    1. The Power Crisis of the Problem of Political Leadership in Côte d’Ivoire // Asia and Africa today. Moscow, № 9 (722). 2017, pp. 30-35.
    2. Political Stability in West African States: Problems and Solutions. (Case Studies of Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal) // Journal of the Institute for African Studies. RAS. Moscow. 2018, № 2 (43), pp. 75-88.
    3. The problem of political leadership and the electoral process in Côte d’Ivoire, pp. 55–63 // Africana Studia – International Journal of African Studies. Universidade de Porto. № 31. 2019.
    4. The Development of Youth Parliamentarism in Africa // Journal of the Institute for African Studies. RAS. Moscow. № 4(49), 2019, pp. 101-115.
    5. Lubow M. Sadovskayha, Naila Z. Fakhrutdinova, Tatiana V. Kochanova. Global Political Destabilization and Modern Civic Protest Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Globalization Studies, Vol. 10 No. 2, November 2019, pp. 77-90. Doi: 10.30884/j ogs/2019.02.06
    6. The armed forces of Côte d’Ivoire and their role in the socio-political transformation of society // Asia and Africa today. Moscow. № 3(752). 2020, pp. 48-58.
    7. L. M. Sadovskaya, N. Z. Fakhrutdinova. Islam and power in Senegal: curbing radical tendencies in the context of the development of civil society. Pp. 61-86 // Islamic radical movements on the political map of the modern world. Volume 4. The Sahara-Sahel Zone and the Horn of Africa. M.: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020.
    8. Lubow M. Sadovskayha, Naila Z. Fakhrutdinova, Tatiana V. Kochanova. Evolution of Civic Protest Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa: From Independence to the Present Day. Social Evolution and History, Vol. 20, №. 2. 2021. (in press)
    9. Islam and its role in the civilizational development of Côte d’Ivoire. Pp. 48-54 // Asia and Africa today. Moscow, № 8. 2021.


    1. Heroes of the recent past. Are they going away forever? // Asia and Africa Today, №: 5(718). 2017, pp. 40-42.
    2. South Sudan // New Russian Encyclopedia. Vol. 19, part 1. Moscow, Encyclopedia, 2017.
    3. The role of Islam in the political life of Sudan / / Journal of the Institute for African Studies. RAS. Moscow. 2018, № 1 (42), pp. 98-112.
    4. Lubow M. Sadovskayha, Naila Z. Fakhrutdinova, Tatiana V. Kochanova. Global Political Destabilization and Modern Civic Protest Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Globalization Studies, Vol. 10 No. 2, November 2019, pp. 77-90. Doi: 10.30884/j ogs/2019.02.06
    5. Republic of South Sudan: difficulties of the development. Asia and Africa Today. (1), pp. 42-45.
    6. L. M. Sadovskaya, N. Z. Fakhrutdinova. Islam and power in Senegal: curbing radical tendencies in the context of the development of civil society. Pp. 61-86 // Islamic radical movements on the political map of the modern world. Volume 4. The Sahara-Sahel Zone and the Horn of Africa. M.: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2020.
    7. Peaceful revolutions in Algeria and Sudan // Journal of the Institute for African Studies. RAS. Moscow. No. 2. 2021, pp. 37-47.
    8. Lubow M. Sadovskayha, Naila Z. Fakhrutdinova, Tatiana V. Kochanova. Evolution of Civic Protest Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa: From Independence to the Present Day. Social Evolution & History, Vol. 20, №. 2. 2021. (in press).


    1. Turianitsa, D. A. (2020). Patricia de Lille - victories and miscalculations in the career of a «coloured» politician of South Africa. Asia and Africa Today, (8), 69. doi:10.31857/s032150750010454-1
    2. Turianitsa, D. A. (2021). From the history of the underground and armed struggle in South Africa. Asia and Africa Today, (6), 78. doi:10.31857/s032150750015267-5