Solidarity in the fight against apartheid: historical memory in russia and south africa
Solidarity in the fight against apartheid: historical memory in russia and south africa
Rep. editor prof., doctor of historical sciences V.G. Shubin
M.: IAS RAS, 2023. – 260 p.
ISBN 978-5-91298-295-8
The collection of articles is dedicated to the historical memory of the solidarity of the Soviet Union and its successor Russia in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. The book describes how interaction took place on this issue in different areas of cooperation.
The book stands out because it contains not only articles by Russian and South African historians, but also interviews with participants in events from the USSR/Russia and South Africa, including those taken during field research in South Africa. Speaking about those times, Soviet veterans recall their fruitful work with the African National Congress, and veterans from South Africa remember the help of the Soviet Union and how it affected their lives.
The study was carried out with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 19-514-60002 and the South African National Research Foundation RUSSIA 1807043494 44.