Centre for Civilisational and Regional Studies
![]() SLEDZEVSKY Igor V., Grand PhD in Historical sciences, the leading researcher https://www.elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=1385
• Civilizational transit of Modern Africa: contradictions and alternatives in the context of the formation of a polycentric multipolar world and acute social crises at the regional and global level
E-mail: Igor25011904m@yandex.ru |
The main fields of the Centre 's Studies:
• Civilisational dynamics and vectors of the contemporary world; the concepts of dialogue and clash of civilisations and their role in shaping a new world order; the place of Africa within the dialogue of civilisations.
• The contradictions and alternatives of the civilisational development of Africa in the postcolonial period in the context of the emergence of a polycentric multipolar world and acute social crises at the regional and global levels.
• Traditional values of African cultures and African theology; shifts in the confessional space of Tropical Africa in the 20th-21st centuries and the role of Christian and Islamic movements and communities in the civilisational development of the region.
• Monitoring and modelling risks and threats of increasing sociopolitical instability in the regions of North Africa and the Middle East as the basis for a comprehensive study of factors and development trends in these regions.
• The evolution and prospects of radical Islam (Islamism): the radicalisation or de-radicalisation of Islamic movements in the context of diminishing or growing risks of sociopolitical destabilisation in Africa and the Middle East and Russia's national security interests.
• The place of established Islamist projects in the struggle for leadership in the geopolitical space of the Middle East and North Africa in the context of the general conflict between political Islam and Arab nationalism; new centres of integration processes in the Arab world.
The Centre's Research Fellows:
- ANDREEVA Larisa A., Grand PhD in Philosophy Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leading researcher
- • Religion and religiosity in Postcolonial Africa (State order).
• Transformation of the global confessional geo-spaces: the phenomenon of "parallel" societies in the system of international political relations
- BOBOKHONOV Rakhimbek S., PhD in Historical Sciences, the senior researcher
- • Radical currents of Islam in Tropical Africa
- ISAEV Leonid L., PhD in Political Sciences, the researcher
- • Factors and processes of socio-political destabilization in the regions of the Middle East and North Africa
• Revolutionary processes of the first quarter of the XXI Century in the Afrasn zone of Instability and adjacent World-system zones
• Scenarios of the dynamics of African development in the XXI century
- KARPACHEVA Olga V., PhD in Historical Sciences, the researcher
- • Deradicalization of political Islam in North Africa: internal security policy in Tunisia, experience de-radicalization of violent extremism in Morocco and Egypt
- KATAGOSHCHINA Irina T., PhD in Historical sciences, the senior researcher
- • Secular values in the minds of educated Africans
- KHAIRULLIN Timur R., PhD in Political sciences, the researcher (a part-time official)
- • The political development of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa at the present stage.
• The role of Islamist movements and Islamism in general in shaping the political agenda in the MENA region.
• Constitutional development of the Arab States
- KHARITONOVA Elena V., PhD in Psychology, the Senior Researcher
- • African business culture: identity and universality. Methodology and author's methods of empirical research
• Social representations of youth (Middle East, Africa): factors and trends of regional development. Forecast, methodology, author's methods of field research
• Applied (practical) anthropology in the system of Russian-African relations. Recommendations for Russian business. Methodology and methods of empirical research
- KOROTAEV Andrey V., Grand PhD in Historical sciences, the chief researcher (a part-time official)
- • Regional processes and results of socio-political destabilization in Africa
- MOSEYKO Aida N., PhD in Philosophical sciences, the leading researcher
- • Postcolonial transfer in African religion and culture. African values in the context of the past and future of sub-Saharan Africa. Questions of methodology
• Modern philosophical and theological thought in Sub-Saharan Africa
• Madagascar. Features of cultural and civilizational development
- NEKLESSA Alexander I., the senior researcher
- • Postcoloniality: methodological and prognostic aspects
- NEFLYASHEVA Naima A., PhD in Historical Sciences, the senior researcher
- • Radical Islam, theory and practices of deradicalization
- PONOMAREV Ilya V., PhD in Historical Sciences, the senior researcher
- • Neo-confessional movements on the African soil
• Islamic radical thought and actors, jihadism and ethno-separatism in the Sahara-Sahel zone and on the African Horn
• Developing conflicts in Africa: Anthropological and ethno-historical perspectives
- ULANOVA Natalia S., PhD in Psichology, the senior researcher
- • Socio-cultural and political influence of religious organizations on the dynamics of social transformation and destabilization in sub-Saharan Africa
• Cultural, socio-political and confessional aspects of school education in sub-Saharan Africa. Modern educational technologies for the development of education in the region
- SHISHKINA Alice R., PhD in Political Sciences, the junior researcher (a part-time offical)
- • Analysis of socio-political destabilization risks in the regions of North Africa and the Middle East
The main publications of the Centre's staff:
Сollective monografs:
- The serial edition "Civilizational alternatives of Africa" / Ed. by I. V. Sledzevsky. Volume 2. Moscow: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017. 232 p. Volume 3. Moscow: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020. 208 p.
- The serial edition "Islamic radical movements on the political map of the modern world". Issue 2. North and South Caucasus / Ed. by A.D. Savateev, N. A. Neflyasheva, E. F. Kisriev. M.: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences - RUDN, 2017. 608 p. Issue 3. The Afrasian zone of instability / Ed. By Savateev A.D., Grinin L. E. Moscow: IAfr RAS, 2018. 342 p. Issue 4. The Sahara-Sahel zone and the Horn of Africa. Ed. by Ponomarev I. V. Moscow: IAfr RAS, 2020. 220 p.
- The serial edition. "System monitoring of global and regional risks". Yearbook. Issue 9 / Ed. by L. E. Grinin, A.V. Korotaev, K. V. Meshcherina. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2018. 556 p. Issue 10 / Ed. by L. E. Grinin, A.V. Korotaev, K. V. Meshcherina. Volgograd: Teacher, 2019. 688 p. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2019. Issue 11 / Ed. by L. E. Grinin, A.V. Korotaev, D. A. Bykanova. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2020. 624 p.
- Destabilization: global, national, natural factors and mechanisms / Ed. By L. E. Grinin, A.V. Korotaev. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2017. 344 p.
- Gribanova V. V., Ponomarev I. V. School and politics. From the history of the creation and reform of the school system in the countries of Eastern and Southern Africa / Ed. by D. M. Bondarenko. Moscow: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018. 176 p.
- The fight for the Middle East: Regional actors in the context of the reconfiguration of the Middle East conflict" / Ed. by A. M. Vasiliev, A.V. Korotaev, L. M. Isaev. Moscow: LENAND, 2019. 256 p.
- Materials of the conference "Religious conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa: threats of escalation and possibilities of prevention" / Ed. by I. V. Sledzevsky, Moscow: IAfr RAS, 2019. 67 p.
Individual monografs:
- Moseyko A. N. Madagascar. Features of cultural and civilizational development / Ed. by Kharitonova E. V. Moscow: Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018. 234 p.
- Bobokhonov R. S. Islam and the West. Anti-Western trends in the development of Islamic civilization / Ed. by I. V. Sledzevsky. Moscow: Scientific technologies, 2017. 382 p.
- Khayrullin T. R. The struggle for leadership in the Arab region. Do Islamists have a Chance? / Ed. By A.M. Vasiliev. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2019. 214 p.
The most significant articles:
- Andreeva L. A. Transformation of Christianity in the XXI century: the phenomenon of "Southern Christianity" / / Sociological research. 2017. No. 5. Pp. 76-83.
- Andreeva L. A. Religious conflicts as a "push factor" of migration from Tropical Africa to Europe / / Vostok (Oriens). Afro-Asian societies: history and modernity. 2020. No. 3. Pp. 134-144.
- Bobokhonov R. S. Modern Islamism as a political way of implementing the Islamic civilizational project (African experience) / / Modern Science: actual problems of theory and practice". The series "Humanities". 2020. No. 10. Pp. 6-18.
- Bobokhonov R., Sledzevsky I. The Conflict between the West and the World of Islam: Causes and Dynamics in the Historical Dimension // International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 06, 2020. Рp. 5079-5087.
- Issaev L., Korotayev A. Russia’s Policy towards the Middle East: The Case of Yemen // The International Spectator. 2020. Vol. 55. No. 3. Pp. 132-147.
- Khairullin T. R. Politicization of Salafism in the Middle East and North Africa / / Asia and Africa today. 2020. No. 12. Pp. 19-26.
- Khairullin T. R., Korotaev A.V. (co-author Vasiliev A.M.). A New alliance in the struggle for leadership in the Arab region // Asia and Africa today. 2019. No. 10. Pp. 2-9.
- Kharitonova E. V. Ethics and politics in Africa: precedents of the application of elements of traditional ethical systems in the settlement of political conflicts (on the example of Rwanda and South Africa) / / Conflictology / nota bene. 2018. No. 3. Pp. 55-69.
- Korotaev A.V., Shishkina A. R. (co-authors: Meshcherina K. V., Slinko E. V.). Value orientations of the Afrasian zone of instability: gender dimensions // East. Afro-Asian societies: history and modernity. 2019. No. 1. Pp. 122-154.
- Korotaev A.V. (co-author. Grinin L. E.). Modern Islamism: an analysis of the main functions and characteristics. // Vostok (Oriens). Afro-Asian societies: history and modernity.2019 No. 2. Pp. 92-114.
- Moseyko A. N., Kharitonova E. V. African metaphysics: the development of religious experience and mythological understanding of the world / / Metaphysics. Scientific Journal of the People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN). 2016, No. 4 (22). Pp. 154-174.
- Moseyko A. N. Kharitonova E. V. Business cultures in Russian-African relations (value-semantic aspects) / / Asia and Africa today. 2017, No. 11. Pp. 44-49.
- Moseyko A. N., Kharitonova E. V. Modern Christian philosophical and theological thought in Africa: features and problems / / Questions of Philosophy. 2020. No. 5. Pp. 69-83.
- Neklessa A. I. The Muscles of war and the nerves of peace: a hybrid metamorphosis. Methodological and prognostic aspects of a post-modern dormitory / / Polis. Political research. 2019. No. 4, Pp. 149-164.
- Neklessa A. I. The Afrasian zone of instability and the problems of Russian strategic planning // Vostok (Oriens). Afro-Asian societies: history and modernity. 2020. No. 2. Pp. 138-148.
- Neflyasheva N. A. Trends in the development and challenges of Islamic radicalism (1990-e-2015) / / Bulletin of the Volgograd State University. Series 4. History. Regional studies. International relations. Volume 21. 2016. No. 2. Pp. 112-124.
- Neflyasheva N. A. The Experience of deradicalization of Islamists in Somalia / / Islam in the modern world. 2020. № 4. Pp. 41-54.
- Ponomarev I. V. The Fight against terror in the conditions of the information war: the experience of Kenya / / Asia and Africa today. 2017. No. 6. Pp. 25-31.
- Ponomarev I. V. Al-Shabab networks in East Africa. Successful counteraction and disinformation / / Asia and Africa today. 2018. No. 9. Pp. 33-39.
- Sledzevsky I. V. Desecularization of the world community as a source of tension in international relations and world politics / / Contours of global transformations: politics, economics, law. 2018. No. 4. Pp. 30-45.
- Sledzevsky I. V. Civilizational dimension of modern world development: problems and approaches / / World economy and international relations. 2020. Vol. 64. No. 1. Pp. 82-90.
- Shishkina A. R. Civilizational aspect of the formation of civil society in the Arab countries / / Asia and Africa today. 2016. No. 4. Pp. 212-221.