October 14-20, 2023, 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress
On October 14-20 the 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress 2023 “Marginalities, Uncertainties, and World Anthropologies: Enlivening Past and Envisioning Future” was held in New Delhi. More than 1800 researchers from 70 countries took part in the events conducted at the University of Delhi. Among them were members of the Center for History and Cultural Anthropology of the Institute for African Studies Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Dr.Sc. (Hist.) Dmitri Bondarenko and Dr. Nadezhda Khokholkova.
Dmitri Bondarenko acted as a convenor of the panel “Religion and sentiments” and presented a paper on the topic “Constructing Postcolonial Identities by Conversion to "the True Faith": Orthodox Old Believers in Uganda and Spiritual Anti-globalism in Contemporary Africa”*. Nadezhda Khokholkova shared the results of the research on the theme "African Digital Diaspora: Constructing Cultural Identity"* at the panel " Digital Culture: Continuities of the Physical and Virtual Worlds".
* The study was realized with support of the Russian Science Foundation (Project # 23-18-01091, https://rscf.ru/en/project/23-18-01091/