19.09.22-09.10.22 Expedition of IAfr RAS faculty to the United Republic of Tanzania

From 09/19/22 to 10/09/22, faculty of the Center for History and Cultural Anthropology Anastasia Banshchikova, Valentina Bryndina, and Oxana Ivanchenko conducted an expedition that became the final stage of the study conducted in the United Republic of Tanzania, dedicated to the memories and ideas of Tanzanians about the Arab-Swahili slave trade of the 19th century. The geography of the study was expanded, this time the expedition members visited the main trading city of the 19th century, located in the middle of the central caravan route, Tabora. In addition, research was continued in Zanzibar, as in the course of previous seasons it turned out that there is a significant difference in the answers of native Zanzibaris and those who came there to live/work in the first generation. As a result, 25 interviews were collected, 13 of which were in Swahili. In the course of the study, colonial monuments were examined in Tabor: the German boma, the railway station, the Orion Hotel, built to receive the Kaiser, as well as the D. Livingston Museum, located in the house in which he lived.

The study was supported by RFBR grant No. 20-09-00361 "Cultural memory of the Arab slave trade of the 19th century and its impact on interethnic relations in modern Tanzania."

Аллея деревьев манго

Вокзал, вид с птлатформы

Гостиница Орион, фото О.Иванченко, фронтальный вид

Гостиница Орион, фото О.Иванченко

музей Ливингстона

Немецкая бома, фото А. Банщиковой

Немецкий вокзал

Немецкий вокзал

Немецкие шпалы, использованные в качестве забора

Птицы марабу

Школа имени вождя Исике