On the participation of the CYS of IAfr RAS in the X All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists on June 2-4, 2022

On June 2-4, 2022, the X All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists of Russia was held at the site of the National Research Technological University "MISiS", timed to coincide with the beginning of the Decade of Science and Technology. The event opened with a welcoming speech by the Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation A.A. Fursenko, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation V.N. Falkov, and the Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in Scientific and Educational Spheres N.V.

Much attention was paid to the role of the Young Scholars Councils (YSC) and Student Scientific Societies (SSS) in the development of national science and education. The best practices for attracting young people to the field of research and development, development of mentoring programs, scientific volunteering and tourism, implementation of practical tasks of science and business, etc. were presented at the congress.

The platform of the congress brought together almost 1,000 young researchers from 76 subjects of Russia, as well as the LPR and Belarus, which shows the importance and relevance of the event.

From the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the event was attended by employees of the Center for Global and Strategic Studies Ph.D., a senior researcher. I.A. Zakharov and junior researcher, Deputy Chairman of the YSC G.K. Sugakov of the InAfr RAS. Representatives of the YSC of the InAfr RAS received the opportunity to take part in the event based on the results of a competitive selection of projects, both already implemented and proposed for implementation by young scientists. Out of 610 applications from the YSC and SSS, 347 were selected, including the "Mentoring" project of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As part of the YSC InAft RAS application, the results of the first project for 2018-2019 were presented, and an updated plan for its implementation shortly was proposed.

The review was prepared by: I.A. Zakharov, G.K. Sugakov.