October 1, 2019, The Round Table "New Trends in African Studies: Historical, Anthropological, and Gender Aspects"
On October 1, 2019, the round table "New Trends in African Studies: Historical, Anthropological, and Gender Aspects" was held at the Institute for African studies. The event was organized by the Center for History and Cultural Anthropology in cooperation with the Center for Sociological and Political Sciences. The round table was arranged to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Institute for African Studies and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Group of Gender Studies.
There were three round-table sessions, related specific issues. The first session was devoted to the issues of anthropology, religion, and culture; the second session was concentrated on the problems of modern and contemporary history; the third was dedicated to African gender studies.
Researchers from the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (RAS), the Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS), the Institute of World History (RAS), Tula State University, and Yaroslavl State University attended the round table. Among participants were members of the Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, the Center for Sociological and Political Sciences, the Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies, the Center for Tropical African Studies, the Center for Southern Africa Studies, and the Center, the Center of Information and International Relations.
Topics of presentations were manifold and had a higher degree of novelty. Many of them were based on the findings of field research and archive materials (see the Programme). Following the results of the round table, a collective monograph is planned for publication.
Organizers express their profound gratitude to all participants.