V International Conference "Hierarchy and power in the history of civilizations"
"Hierarchy and power in the history of civilizations"
June 23-26 2009, Moscow, Russia
Centers of History and Cultural Anthropology and for Civilizational and Regional Studies of the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the School of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities are organizing in Moscow on June 23-26, 2009 the Fifth International Conference "HIERARCHY AND POWER IN THE HISTORY OF CIVILIZATIONS".
All the Conference events except culture program will take place on the Russian State University for the Humanities main campus.
The working languages of the Conference are Russian and English.
The Organizing Committee has considered all the panel proposals received by it. The descriptions of the accepted proposals please find below. The deadline for paper proposals (in the form of abstracts within 300 words in English) is November 1, 2008. Paper proposals should be sent not to the Organizing Committee but directly to the respective panel convenor(s) who is (are) to inform the applicant about his (her) application's fortune by December 1, 2008. The information to be submitted alongside with the paper abstract includes full name, title, institutional affiliation, full mail and e-mail addresses, and fax #.
However, in the case you feel your paper does not fit any particular panel but corresponds to the Conference general problematics, you may submit your proposal to the Organizing Committee by the same date (November 1, 2008) and it will be considered for scheduling for the Free Communication Panel. Besides, if the Organizing Committee finds it possible to unite an appropriate number of proposals submitted for the Free Communication Panel into a thematic panel, it may establish such a panel and propose one of its prospective participants to become the convenor. None of the proposals may be accepted or rejected on the basis of its submitter’s previous academic credentials, ethnic or national origin, sex, or otherwise, but only on the basis of the proposal’s relevance to and importance for, the Conference’s problematics.
All the general inquiries on the academic aspects of the Conference and proposals for the Free Communication Panel should be sent to the Organizing Committee, for the attention of Ms. Anastasia A. Banschikova and Dr. Oleg I. Kavykin, Conference Secretaries preferably by e-mail (conf2009@conf2009.ru), or either by fax (+ 7 495 697 1954), or by ordinary mail (Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 30/1 Spiridonovka St., 123001 Moscow, Russia). The telephone number is: + 7 495 691 4119.
In the case the proposal is accepted, the Organizing Committee will send you the list of documents necessary to support your visa application process at the Russian Consulate or Embassy in the respective country in the beginning of the year 2009. All the inquiries regarding technical matters (visa, accommodation, etc.) should be sent to Dr. Galina M. Sidorova, Chair of the Institute for African Studies’ International and Public Relations Department (inter.inafr@mail.ru).
The Conference participant’s registration fee is 150 euros (or the equivalent sum in US dollars or Russian rubles) which includes the visa application support at the Russian Federal Migration Service, culture program, Conference Book of Abstracts, reception, coffee-breaks, is to be paid on the spot upon arrival. The fee for an accompanying person is 70 euros (or the equivalent sum in US dollars or Russian rubles) includes the visa application support at the Russian Federal Migration Service, participation in culture program and reception.
The Organizing Committee can assist in accommodation booking at the hotel of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Downtown Moscow. The prices for September 2008 are as follows: about 163 euros per night for a SGL room and 186 euros for a DBL room. Accommodation at the hotel “Uzkoye” of the Russian Academy of Sciences in a Moscow southern neighbourhood of is 115 euros per night (SGL room) and 147 euros (DBL room). Please note that the prices may well be subjected to changes in the direction of growth, being obviously out of the Organizing Committee's control. If such changes happen, the Organizing Committee will try its best to inform the Conference participants as soon as possible. The independent reservation in any other Moscow hotel well in advance is strongly recommended and encouraged; furthermore it can turn out to be more reasonable in terms of prices. For further information you may consult the Internet sites: http://moscow-hotels.net and http://all-hotels.ru/moscow.