April 18, 2018 Russian-African Relations in the Context of The Africa “Turn To The East”
On 18 April 2018, the Centre for Studies of Russian-African Relations and African States' Foreign Policy, Institute for African studies RAS held the international conference dedicated to the analysis of the Russian-African relations and prospects in the context of African states’ increased role in contemporary world economy and international relations and African states’ foreign policy «turn to the East». The discussion focused on the issues of Africa's cooperation with non-traditional partners, in the first place, with emerging powers, as well as on Russian-African relations’ problems and prospects. More than 50 persons took part in the meeting. 36 persons, including Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sc (Econ.), Director of Institute for African Studies (IAfr), Russian Academy of Sciences I.O. Abramova, IAfr (RAS) Researchers: Ph.D. (Econ.), Head of Center E.N. Korendyasov, Ph.D. (Econ.), Head of Centre E.V. Morozenskaya, Ph.D. (Hist.), Head of Centre T.S. Denisova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Research Fellow V.V. Pavlov, Ph.D. (Econ.), Head of Centre A.A. Tkachenko, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Principal Researcher V.G. Shubin, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Principal Researcher A.Yu. Urnov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Leading Research Fellow T.L. Deych,Ph.D. (Econ.), Senior Research Fellow S.N. Volkov, Ph.D. (Hist.), Senior Research Fellow V.A. Usov,Ph.D. (Econ.), Ph.D. (Hist. of Arts), Senior Research Fellow Yu.S. Skubko,Ph.D. (Hist.), Senior Research Fellow O.S. Kulkova,Senior Research FellowL.V. Kalinichenko,Senior Research Fellow S.V.Nenashev, Research Fellow N. Z. Fakhrutdinova, Ph.D. student, Junior Research Fellow Yu.D. Vertashov, Ph.D. student A.V. Shitova; IMEMO (RAS) Researchers: Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Principal Researcher E.A. Bragina,Ph.D. (Econ.), Leading Research Fellow E.O. Labetskaya,Ph.D. (Hist.), Research Fellow A.V. Kupriyanov; Institute of Oriental Studies (RAS) Researcher Ph.D. (Econ.), Leading Research Fellow N. N. Tsvetkova; RUDN Researchers: Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof. V.I. Yurtaev, Ph.D students A.A. Poyda, C.A. Amuhaya; Moscow State Linguistic University Researchers: Dr. Sci. (Pol.), prof. G.M. Sidorova, Ph.D. student A. Ravnyago; «Rossiya Segodnya» correspondent A.B. Korybko; students and journalists delivered speeches in Russian and English and took part in the discussion.