Anastasia A. Banshchikova

Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow
RSCI AuthorID: 554293
ORCID: 0000-0001-6130-3417
Researcher ID: E-6671-2018
Scopus Author ID: 57216357452

Contact info:
30/1 Spiridonovka St., 123001 Moscow, Russia
Tel.: +7 (499) 690-61-33
Fax: +7 (495) 697-19-54

Personal status:
Born on March 8, 1982 in Kurgan, USSR/Russia.

2004 – M.A. cum laude from the Department of Antiquities, Faculty of History, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Academic degree:
2010 – Ph.D. (World History) from Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.

Academic experience:
Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
2013 to present: Senior Research Fellow, Center of History and Cultural Anthropology;
2008-2013: Research Fellow, Center of History and Cultural Anthropology;
2004-2008: Junior Research Fellow, Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies.

Research interests:
Women in Ancient Egypt; cultural anthropology of Ancient Egypt; perception of Ancient Egypt in medieval Arab sources; historical memory of the slave trade and colonialism in modern Tanzania; German colonial legacy in modern Tanzania; Tanganyika’ colonial photography and postcards; history of Bagamoyo; Kiswahili.

Language competence:
European: English, French, German;
Ancient: Middle-Egyptian, Greek, Latin;
Others: Arabic, Swahili.

2006-2009 – Nigeria, Tanzania, Benin, Rwanda. Field research project "Image of Russia in Africa."
2018-2019 – Tanzania. Field research project "Historical Memory as a Factor of the Evolution of Social-Political Systems (Sub-Saharan Africa and Mesoamerica)."
2020-2022 – Tanzania. Field research project "Cultural Memory about 19th Century Arab Slave Trade and its Influence on Interethnic Relations in Modern-Day Tanzania."

2020-2022 – Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant № 20-09-00361 "Cultural Memory about 19th Century Arab Slave Trade and its Influence on Interethnic Relations in Modern-Day Tanzania."
2022-2023 – Russian Science Foundation, grant № 22-28-00734 "Two Colonizations of Tanganyika: Attitude of German Colonial Officers and European Travelers towards Local Arab and Arab-Swahili Elite (based on written and visual sources)."


1. A.A. Banshchikova. Crucial Periods in Ancient Egyptian Historical Tradition and Consciousness. Moscow: LENAND (URSS), 2015. In Russian.
2. A.A. Banshchikova. The Images of Women in Ancient Egyptian Literature. Moscow: LIBROKOM (URSS), 2009. 2nd ed.: Moscow: LENAND (URSS), 2014. In Russian.

Articles, book chapters, and abstracts in English
1. Visual Colonization: Social Hierarchies in Postcards, Photographs and Sketches of German East Africa // Social Evolution and History. 2022. Vol. 21 No. 2. P. 108-136.
2. With Valentina N. Bryndina & Oksana V. Ivanchenko. The sultan of Zanzibar, Tippu Tip and Local Chiefs: Key Figures of the 19th Century Arab-Swahili Slave Trade in European Written Sources and the Views of Modern Tanzanians. International Conference "Leadership and Power in Africa in the Past and the Present: Studies in Russia, Tanzania and Beyond", Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1-4 March 2022. Book of Abstracts. Moscow: IAS RAS, 2022. P. 33. ISBN 978-5-91298-274-3.
3. With Dmitri M. Bondarenko & Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Whose State? Whose Nation? Representations of the History of the Arab Slave Trade and Nation-Building in Tanzania. In: Arne S. Steinforth and Sabine Klocke-Daffa (eds.). Challenging Authorities: Ethnographies of Legitimacy and Power in Eastern and Southern Africa. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. P. 29-62. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-76924-6_2.
4. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Historical Memory of the 19th-Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern-Day Tanzania: Between Family Trauma and State-Planted Tolerance. In: D.M. Bondarenko and M.L. Butovskaya (eds.). The Omnipresent Past. Historical Anthropology of Africa and African Diaspora. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2019. P. 23-45. ISBN 978-5-907177-76-1.
5. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Historical Memory of the 19th-Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern-Day Tanzania: Between Family Trauma and State-Planted Tolerance. In: State-Building in Africa: Prospects and Challenges. 1st Social Scientists’ Conference, Dar es Salaam, March 4th-7th, 2019. Book of abstracts. P. 51. ISBN 978-9976-5502-0-7.
6. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Urbanization and Mutual Help Groups: Contribution to Nation-Building in Tanzania // Social Evolution and History. March 2018. Vol. 17. No 1. P. 34-59.
7. On Some Attempts to Search Egyptian National Roots in "Pharaonic" Times in Egyptian Social Thought of 1920es – 1930es. In: A.M. Vasiliev (ed.). Africa in the Changing World Development Paradigm. 12th Conference for Africanists. Moscow, 2011. P. 73.
8. The Change of "Another One" in Course of Interregional Integration: Emerging of Ancient Near-Eastern Oikumene and the Image of Asian Women in Egyptian Literature. In: Z. Huang (ed.). The 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. July 27-31, 2009, Kunming, China. Paper Abstracts. Vol. 1. Kunming: Chinese Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 2009. P. 228-229.
9. Literature Compensation of the Weakened King’s Power during the Crucial Periods of Ancient Egyptian History. In: Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations. Abstracts. Moscow, 2009. P. 85.
10. The Topos of Amalecite Supremacy over Egypt in Arab Historical Tradition (I mill. A.D.). Buletinul Cercurilor Stiintifice Studentesti. 2008. № 14. P. 39-45.
11. With Alexander A. Nemirovskiy. "Absolute" Near-Eastern Monarchies of the Late Bronse Age: Some Aspects in Comparison. In: D.M. Bondarenko, A.A. Nemirovsky (eds.). The Ruler and His Subjects: Socio-Cultural Norms and Boundaries of Personal Power. Moscow, 2008. P. 15-36.
12. The Image of the King in Ancient Egyptian Literature: from Axial Background Functions till Fully-Engaged Object of Action. In: L.E. Grinin, D.D. Beliaev, A.V. Korotayev (eds). Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations: Ancient and Medieval Cultures. Moscow, 2008. P. 3-8.
13. Magic vs Act of Providence: Egyptians and Judeans at the Face of Foreign Enemies in the Arab Literature. Buletinul Cercurilor Stiintifice Studentesti. 2007. № 13. P. 59-63.
14. Review on Meskell, Lynn. 2002. Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt. Social Anthropology. 2006. Vol. 14. Part 2. P. 288-289.
15. Woman in Ancient Egypt: Evolution of Personal and Social Position. Social Evolution and History. 2006. V. 5. № 1. P. 109-125.
16. The Image of the King in Ancient Egyptian Literature: From Axial Background Functions till Fully-Engaged Object of Action. In: Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations. Abstracts. Moscow, 2006. P. 140-141.

Participation in conferences:
1. Askaris, Arabs, Africans: Population of Tanganyika in the Eyes of German Colonial Photographers and Illustrators. Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 22.02.2022.
2. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko and Valentina N. Bryndina. The Sultan of Zanzibar, Tippu Tip and Local Chiefs: Key Figures of the 19th Century Arab-Swahili Slave Trade in European Written Sources and the Views of Modern Tanzanians. International conference "Leadership and Power in Africa in the Past and the Present: Studies in Russia, Tanzania and Beyond". Dar es Salaam, online. 01-04.03.2022.
3. Visualization of the History of Arab-Swahili Slave Trade in Modern Tanzania: Museums, Sculptures, Artefacts. Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 25.10.2022 г.
4. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Between Humanism and Business: End of Slave Trade in the View of Tanzanian Christians and Muslims. XV International Conference of Africanists. Institute for African Studies. Moscow, online. 25.05.2021.
5. Bagamoyo in the Works of Walter Dobbertin: Colonial Photography and Imperial Propaganda. Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 20.04.2021.
6. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Some Aspects of Interethnic and Interconfessional Relations in Modern Tanzania. Round table "Africa – the Hotbed of Interethnic and Interconfessional Tension". MGIMO University. Moscow, online. 18.03.2021.
7. Visual Colonization: Scenes, Objects, and Main Content of Postcards from German East Africa. Seminar "Homo sapiens historicus". International Center of Anthropology, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow, online. 26.11.2020.
8. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Historic and Modern Slavery as Factors in Interethnic Relations in Modern Tanzania. Center of African Studies, Institute of World History. Moscow, online. 14.10.2020.
9. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Labour Migration and Modern Slavery as Factors in the Relations between Arab- and Afrotanzanians. Conference "Africa in Global Migration Flow: History and Modernity". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow, online. 23.09.2020.
10. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Missionaries, Colonial Education and the Perception of Abolition of 19th-Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern-Day Tanzania // Conference "Africa: Postcolonial Discourse". Jaroslavl’ State Institute named after P.G. Demidov, Institute for African Studies, online. 25-26.06.2020.
11. Postcards, stamps, and coins of German East Africa: A Brief Review. Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 03.03.2020.
12. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko and Valentine N. Bryndina. European Paradox: Representation of Geography of 19th-Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern Tanzania. Round table "New Trends in African Studies: Historical, Anthropological, and Gender Aspects". Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 01.10.2019.
13. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Anthropology of Tourism in Bagamoyo, Tanzania: Ahistorical Memory of Historic Site. Round table "Tourism in Africa and Perspectives of its Development". Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 15.05.2019.
14. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Historical Memory of the 19th-Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern-Day Tanzania: Between Family Trauma and State-Planted Tolerance. 1st Social Scientists’ Conference "State-Building in Africa: Prospects and Challenges". Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. Dar es Salaam. 04-07.03.2019.
15. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Historical Memory and Historical Site: Memories about 19th Arab Century Slave Trade in Modern Tanzania (Dar es Salaam, Bagamoyo, Zanzibar). XVII Conference for Young Scholars. Institute for African Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow. 27-28.11.2018.
16. With Oxana V. Ivanchenko. Historical Memory of Arab Slave Trade in Modern Tanzania: First Results of Field Research. Seminar "Homo sapiens historicus". International Center of Anthropology, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow. 22.11.2018.
17. Problems of African Schoolchildren, Adolescents and Youth in African Social Advertisement. International Conference "Youth in African Socio-Cultural Life". Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 14.11.2018.
18. HIV/AIDS, Ebola and Malaria in African Social Advertisement. Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 07.04.2018.
19. Description of Burials of Ancient Egyptian Kings in the Medieval Arab Anonymous "Akhbar az-zaman". IX Knorozov Memorial Readings. Russian State University for the Humanities, Knorozov Center for Mezoamerican Studies. Moscow. 02-03.03.2018.
20. With Alexandre A. Nemirovsky. Malius and Harma: Amarna Reform and its Eradication in Coptic Legend about Monoteistic King. VII Moscow Conference "Language(s) of Ancient Egyptian Culture: Problems of Translation". Center of Egyptology named after B.A. Turaev, Dmitry Pozharsky University. Moscow. 09-10.10.2017.
21. Actual and Alleged Ways to Power: Perception of Ancient Egyptian Royal Women in Medieval Arab Sources. 14th International African Studies Conference "Africa and Africans in National, Regional and Global Dimensions". Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 17-20.10.2017.
22. Akhenaten and Malik: Representation of Ancient Egyptian "Monotheism" in the Medieval Arab Anonym "L’Abrégé des Merveilles". Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 29.09.2015.
23. Moving Statues: Ancient Egyptian Motifs in the Medieval Arab Sources. VIII Knorozov Memorial Readings. Russian State University for the Humanities, Knorozov Center for Mezoamerican Studies. Moscow. 04-05.12.2014.
24. Magic Statues and Artifacts in the Medieval Arab Anonymous "Collection of Wonders". Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 18.03.2014.
25. "Upside-Down Country" and "Women’s Kingdom": Greek and Arab Impressions of Ancient Egypt. VII Knorozov Memorial Readings. Russian State University for the Humanities, Knorozov Center for Mezoamerican Studies. Moscow. 14-15.02.2013.
26. Event Motivation in the Narratives about Crucial Moments of Egyptian Past. Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 27.11.2012.
27. "Resurrected Mummy" and "The Return of the Spirit": Literature Manifests of Egyptian Renaissance of the 1st third of XX Century. XI Conference for Young Scholars. Kazan, Russia. 14-15.11.2012.
28. Historiography without History: Perception and Fixation of the Past in Ancient Egypt. Round table "Emergence of Historiography in Ancient and Medieval Societies". Institute for Universal History. Moscow. 31.10-01.11.2011.
29. On the Search of "Pharaonic" National Roots by the Europeanized Egyptian Intellectuals in the Interwar Period. XII International Conference of Africanists. Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 24-26.05.2011.
30. The Use of Numerals in the Narratives Concerning Crucial Periods of Ancient Egyptian History: The Scale of the Events and Range of Participants. Seminar "Society and Culture". Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 16.03.2010.
31. Literature Compensation of the Weakened King’s Power during the Crucial Periods of Ancient Egyptian History. V International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations". Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow. 23-26.06.2009.
32. Defeat of Their Own Country in Egyptian Historic and Literature Narratives. XVI Sergeev Memorial Readings. Moscow State University. 28-30.01.2009.
33. Evolution of Attitude to the Hycsos Rulers of Egypt in the Texts of VIII-XIX Dynasties and Manetho Narrative. V Knorozov Memorial Readings. Russian State University for the Humanities, Knorozov Center for Mezoamerican Studies. 06-08.11.2008.
34. Female Foreigner and Infidel Wife: Inversions of Gendered Models of Behavior in Ancient Egyptian Literature. IV Knorozov Memorial Readings. Russian State University for the Humanities, Knorozov Center for Mezoamerican Studies. Moscow. 21-22.02.2007.
35. Magic vs Act of Providence: Egyptians and Judeans at the Face of Foreign Enemies in the Arab Literature. XV Sergeev Memorial Readings. Moscow State University. 31.01-02.03.2007.
36. Magic vs Act of Providence: Egyptians and Judeans at the Face of Foreign Enemies in the Arab Literature. XIV International Conference for Young Scholars "Globalization in Studies of the Past". Alba Iulia, Romania. 24-26.11.2006.
37. The Image of the King in Ancient Egyptian Literature: From Axial Background Functions till Fully-Engaged Object of Action. IV International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations". Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow. 13-16.06.2006.
38. The Topos of Amalecite Rule over Egypt in the Arab Historical Tradition of the I mill. B.C. International Conference "Egypt and the Countries of the Near East: III mill. B.C. – I mill. A.D.". Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow. 15-19.05.2006.
39. The Image of Egypt in the Historical Source and in the Artistic Perception of the Source: "The Tale of Two Brothers" in the Retelling of D.G. Reder. IV Russian Conference for Young Scholars "Africa and the Modern World". Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 23-25.11.2005.
40. The Legend about Asiatic Conquest of Egypt: Emergence in Late Egyptian Tradition. Conference "African Security: Interior and External Aspects". Institute for African Studies. Moscow. 24-26.05.2005.
41. Cambyses Narrative: Topos of the Weak King and Possible Ending of the Text. XII Annual International Student Conference "Lomonosov-2005". Moscow State University. 13-15.03.2005.
42. The Motives of Ancient Egyptian Folklore in Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam’s Story about the Queen Delukeh. XIV Sergeev Memorial Readings. Moscow State University. 02-04.02.2005.
43. Women’s Beauty in Ancient Egyptian Love Poetry: Images and Their Emotional and Purport Meaning. I International Conference for Young Scholars "Philosophy in the Global World". Russian University of International Friendship. Moscow. 27-29.01.2005.
44. Deification of the Drowned in the Nile and Related Animal Agents. IV Semenov Memorial Readings. Moscow State University for Pedagogy. 27.11.2004.
45. The Wax Crocodile and the Clay Man: Magic Helpers and Related Conceptions in Ancient Egyptian Literature. Conference "Civilization and State in the West". Russian University of International Friendship. Moscow. 25.11.2004.
46. Male and Female Leadership: Gendered Models of Behavior in Ancient Egyptian Literature. III Russian Conference for Young Scholars "Africa in Context of Global International Relations". Saratov, Russia. 04-05.11.2004.
47. The King and the Sorcerer in Ancient Egyptian Literature: From Court Entertainment to Battle Magic as Recourse of State Politics. III Knorozov Memorial Readings. Russian State University for the Humanities, Knorozov Center for Mezoamerican Studies. Moscow. 29-30.10.2004.
48. The Lyrical Epitaph from Isidora’s Tomb in Tuna el-Gebel: Greek Text in Egyptian Burial of the Roman Time. International Conference "Egypt and the Countries of the Near East: III mill. B.C. – I mill. A.D.". Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow. 11-15.10.2004.
49. Partial Legitimacy of Hyksos kings in the "Quarrel of Apophis and Seqenenre". III International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations". Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow. 18-21.06.2004.
50. The Image of Woman in Egyptian Teachings. A Conference on the Problems of History and Philosophy in Orientalistics. Russian University of International Friendship. Moscow. 26.04.2004.
51. The Image of King in Coptic Cambyses Narrative and Late Egyptian Literary Models. XI Annual International Student Conference "Lomonosov-2004". Moscow State University. 13-14.04.2004.
52. A Late Egyptian Literary Model within a Coptic Text: King’s Counsel Motif in Cambyses Narrative. IV Annual Conference "East and West: A Dialogue of Civilizations". Russian University of International Friendship. Moscow. 10.03.2004.