I-10. Justice and Development in Contemporary Africa

Convener: Prof. Dr. Leonid L. Fituni (Institute for African Studies, Moscow, Russia); e-mail: africa.institute@yandex.ru

This panel seeks to address a number of key issues relating to justice in the broad context of African development. The discussion of these issues is primarily from the perspective of legal justice, but it properly comprehends relevant social, economic and political considerations. The panel focuses on a variety of broad areas: the institutions and instruments of justice in Africa; interconnection between local legal environments and development; specific legal issues in African development such as stability, security, integrity, human rights and the environment; stability in financial systems; governance and transparency; the control of corruption; serious crime, and other destabilising factors including terrorism. The panel will also research the newly discovered potential of the emerging powers (viz. BRICS) for the delivery of justice and development in Africa.