Round table discussion Africans in Russia: problems of adaptation and integration
Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Spiridonovka str., 30/1
Centre for Studies of Russian-African relations
Center for History and Cultural Anthropology of the Institute for African Studies
Russian Academy of Sciences
Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris)
Institute for African Studies in cooperation with the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris) invites you to take part in the round table discussion "Africans in Russia: problems of adaptation and integration”. Round table discussion involves work on two themes: the first is devoted to the problems of Africans staying in Russia and to the search for possible solutions, the second part will explore the topic "The former African students in the USSR / Russia: career and destiny".
During the first part of the round table discussion, researchers will make presentations about the peculiarities of migration flows and adaptation of Africans in Russia, as well as their integration into the host society, the role of the media in shaping the image of Africans among the Russians, as well as about Africans in Russian culture and sport. Attention will be paid also to the possible role of the African Diaspora in the development of Russian-African economic and trade relations.
During the second part of the round table presentations will be made about the life trajectories of African students who graduated from the Soviet/Russian universities and subsequently either returned to their home countries, or stayed in Russia or emigrated to other countries. In addition to reports each section presupposes discussions about the problems raised.
Scientists from Russian research centers and universities, researchers from African and other countries, representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Migration Service, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, "Rossotrudnichestvo", and communities of the African students and African residents in Russia are invited to participate in a round table discussion.
Contact: Yekaterina Demintseva, Olga Kulkova: