November 23-24, 2021 Online conference on the topic «The idea of postcoloniality in modern civilizational concepts».
30/1 ул. Спиридоновка, Москва, 123001 |
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30/1 Spiridonovka str., Moscow, 123001 |
Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
November 23-24, 2021
On November 23-24, 2021, the Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hold an online conference on the topic «THE IDEA OF POSTCOLONIALITY IN MODERN CIVILIZATIONAL CONCEPTS».
The relevance, scientific and practical significance of the conference topic is determined by the rapid development of the ideological trend of postcolonialism since the end of the twentieth century. Developed at the end of the twentieth century, this trend has now become an influential direction of social and scientific thought. The discourse and paradigm of postcolonialism today includes many theoretical directions related to the postcolonial approach in philosophy, sociology, social psychology, political science, gender and religious studies, comparative cultural studies, socio-economic geography.
The purpose of the conference is to analyze and discuss the place and role of the idea of postcoloniality/decolonization in modern civilizational concepts. We are talking about the multidimensionality of the processes of globalization, the combination of Eurocentric and alternative approaches to world history and the future of world civilization, the competition of options for post-modern global and regional development.
During the conference, the main speakers and speakers will discuss the following issues:
- 1. The global civilizational context of the idea of postcoloniality. Ideas about postcolonialism in the situation of world civilizational transit, weakening of the national-state model of the world order. The connection of postcolonialism with postmodernity, philosophy and ideology of postmodernism. Approaches to the definition of civilizations in postcolonial Discourse: clash and dialogue of civilizations.
2. The regional cultural and historical context of the idea of postcolonialism. The level and cultural and historical features of postcolonial discourse in non-Western cultural and civilizational regions of the world (Africa, Latin America, Asia, Russia). Postcolonial projects of deconstruction of the image of European civilization as the dominant subject of globalization. The idea of postcolonialism in Western social and scientific thought.
3. Deconstruction in postcolonial theory of progressive theory of development and linear model of modernization. Transformation in the postcolonial paradigm of the development of the habitual West-East dichotomy, tradition - modernity. The idea of postcoloniality/decolonization in the Islamic world, in the ideology of Islamism. The idea of the diversity of regional and civilizational types of modernity.
4. The construction of non-Western projects in the ideology and theory of post-coloniality, alternative to the reference images and ideals of the «civilized West». The civilizational status of such projects, the potential of their civilizational development.
5. Ideals and practice of implementing postcolonial development models. Trends and results of the implementation of the postcolonial policy of cultural and religious solidarity of the peoples of the former colonial countries.
Moderators of the event: I.V. Sledzevski (Doctor of Historical Sciences), A.I. Neklessa (Head of the «North-South» Group), N.A. Neflyasheva (Candidate of Historical Sciences), E.V. Kharitonova (Candidate of psychological sciences).
We invite interested scientists, university professors, postgraduates and students to take part in the conference. Applications for participation report must be sent until November 15, secretary of the organizing Committee of the conference, researcher of the Institute for African studies, Timur Khairullin at:
In addition to a substantial part (a brief abstract of the report within 2 page 3 thousand or signs) the application must contain the following information: full name of the speaker, place of work, position, academic degree, theme of the report, contact telephone number and e-mail.
Head of the Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies
I.V. Sledzevski