Webinar from the series "Africa: Crossroad (Scramble) of (Re)Emerging Forses"
October 5, 2020, took place an international webinar of the series “Africa: Crossroad (Scramble) of (Re) Emerging Forces”, organized by the Ritsumeikan University (Japan) and the Institute for African Studies of the RAS (Russia).The meeting was moderated by Professor Takuo Iwata from Ritsumeikan University.
K.A. Alyoshin, Member of the Directorate, Head of Applied Research Group, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for African Studies of the RAS, Ph.D. of Economics made a report on the topic "Eastern Africa in the Face of International Competition: Scramble for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (a reflection on economic cooperation between Russia and East Africa) ”.
The webinar was attended by 30 Africanists from Indonesia, China, Russia, South Korea, Japan and other countries, among which is Professor Seyfudin Adem, Doshisha University (Japan), Professor Liu Haifang, University of Beijing (China).