Международный симпозиум "История исламской цивилизации в Восточной Африке" (Занзибар, Танзания)

3 сентября — 6 сентября 2013 г.

sOIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), and the National Records & Archives Authority of the Sultanate of Oman, are jointly organizing, in cooperation with Zanzibar University, the International Symposium on the "History of the Islamic Civilization in Eastern Africa", in Zanzibar, Tanzania, on 3-6 September 2013.

Africa was the destination of the first Muslim migrants from Mecca to Abyssinia in Africa. From then on, Muslims immigrations extended to include the eastern coast of Africa as a point of destination. Moreover, Muslim Preachers and merchants along with the immigrants reached to Central Africa.

Along with Northern Africa, Eastern Africa was one of the places which were most largely influenced by Islamic civilization. The growth of Muslims immigrations was due to certain reasons. One reason was the geographical proximity of Eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Another one was the environment of Africa with its fertile soil, abundant water, moderate climate and considerable wealth and bounties.

Muslims settled in these regions of Africa and established Islamic dynasties and states that played active roles in local and international policy due to their strategic locations. Some of these dynasties and states are Bata, Mogadishu, Sefalah, Zanzibar and Mombasa. In addition, these dynasties and states played and still play a pioneering role in spreading Islam in that part of the world.

Submission deadlines for the abstracts and the papers Abstracts and research papers should be mailed to:
symposium@nraa.gov.om or congress@ircica.org

- Deadline for submitting the abstracts: 15 March 2013.
- Informing of the acceptance of the abstracts: by 15 April 2013.
- Deadline for the submission of full papers: 26 June 2013.

Call for Papers