“Current state of Southern Africa. Collection of articles” was published.

The book "Current state of Southern Africa. Collection of articles" presents a wide spectrum of analysis by economists, historians, political scientists and culturologists from the Institute of African Studies and a number of other research and educational institutions on the problems and challenges facing the countries of the region, focusing on the most developed of them - Republic of South Africa. Such a focus on this country is counterbalanced by the articles on various aspects of politics and economics of such important countries of Southern Africa as Angola and Zambia.

The publication is consecrated to the memory of our colleague, Gennady Vladimirovich Shubin who abruptly left this world in early 2016 (04.09.1966-02.02.2016). As a Senior Researcher of the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute for African Studies RAS and Ph.D (Hist.), he made a significant contribution to the development of African Studies in Russia.