"Gender aspects of African Culture: between Archaic and Modernity". The collection of scientific works

"Gender aspects of African Culture: between Archaic and Modernity". The collection of scientific works .
Editors: Dr.Sc. (Hist.) N.L. Krylova, Ph.D. N.A. Ksenofontova
М.: Institute for African Studies RAS, 2022. – 332 с.
ISBN 978-5-91298-278-1

The collection of scientific works “Gender aspects of African Culture: between Archaic and Modernity” is a new book in the series “Gender Studies”, consisting of five independent sections that create a complete picture of the state of diverse and rich African culture in its main manifestations.

The peculiarity of modern African culture (is, on the one hand, the juxtaposition of traditional and modern (European) cultural models, moral values and ideals, styles, philosophies of perception, functional significance, and, on the other hand, their desire for interaction, enrichment, and dialogue. And this is manifested not only in the sphere of art and literature, but also in all other spheres of life: economic, social, political.

The book examines the gender characteristics of the transmission of traditions to the younger generation (archaic and modern forms and methods); the education system in the context of the transmission of universal models of values; gender aspects of the struggle of traditional and modern in interpersonal relations of rural and urban residents; reflection of the struggle of traditional and modern in the development of African languages at the present stage (the development of various variants of pidgin – mixed languages, the choice of the state language); traditional artistic and musical art as an integral part of modern cultural forms. Gender peculiarities in the choice and development of professional skills, forms and styles; “eternal” problems of social and cultural life, rooted in the historical past, reflected in literary creativity; the sacred role and political significance of the activities of representatives of national culture (their civic position, criticism of government policy, struggle against the dictates of religious movements, etc.); feminism as an expression of women's self-realization and self-identification, as a struggle against all forms of exploitation and for the freedom of will of an individual through artistic means; “state feminism” as a radical means in the fight against archaism; the policy of promoting modern economic, social and political interpersonal relations; gender aspects of migration, adaptation and acculturation; ways and means of entry into a new cultural world; problems of cultural interaction within a mixed family.